Unforgettable Experiences,
Unlimited Possibilities
Discover our private dining options and be pampered with a unique gastronomic experience, exclusively for you and your guests, provided they match our vision and values.
Discover exclusive culinary moments with our private dining options, where you and your group can enjoy a personalized gastronomic journey, carefully curated by our chefs.
From intimate dinners to small-scale events, our private dining space can accommodate groups of 8 to 15 guests, giving you the freedom to organize your gathering the way you want. We also offer the option to rent the entire restaurant for an even more personal experience. Additionally, we also offer high-quality catering on your desired location.
Our dedicated team is ready to tailor every detail to your wishes and expectations, from customized menus to unique ambiance. Contact us at info@downtoearthdining.com to discuss your event and let us create an unforgettable dining experience together.
Opening Hours
Thursday to Sunday
Monday to Wednesday
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